Эссе в бизнес школу: Оцените свою жизнь
Эссе в бизнес школу: Оцените свою жизнь

Question: You are now the admissions officer. Please provide a brief evaluative assessment of your file.

When I first looked at [Student 1]'s application I thought to myself, "great, another white, male, American consultant applying to business school." But when I reviewed his file more closely, I realized that [Student 1] is much more than his demographic descriptors. He possesses the key characteristics we look for in our students: intelligence, teamwork, leadership, community commitment and career focus. I believe he will thrive at Kellogg and have a substantial impact on his classmates and the Kellogg community. Here is why.

1. Intelligence. [Student 1] achieved a high GPA at a top-ranked university while maintaining an extremely active and involved extracurricular schedule. His grades consistently improved all four years at [Undergrad University], which demonstrates his commitment to academics. As an economics major, a rigorous concentration, he developed strong analytical capabilities essential for success at Kellogg. He also possesses great quantitative skills as evidenced by his high grades in math and economics courses and his high GMAT math score. [Student 1] is a well-rounded student, having completed three minors in Spanish, Business, and Legal Studies. After college, he demonstrated his intellect by writing case studies that are discussed by business school students and professors at leading schools around the world. At [Company 1], he was promoted six months after being hired, indicating quick learning ability. Currently, at [Company 2] he is working on projects of the highest priority for the company, demonstrating an exceptional ability to think about complex business issues and develop strategic recommendations.

2. Teamwork. As a consultant for more than three years, [Student 1] has developed a great ability to work well with teammates in challenging environments. [His] Career Progress Survey indicates that teamwork is one of his great strengths. [Student 1]'s recommender is a Kellogg alumnus who understands that strong teamwork skills are keys to success in the communal learning environment at Kellogg. Outside of work, [Student 1] has demonstrated good collaboration ability by leading his Alumni Association committee and organizing events for hundreds of [deleted] alumni. Finally, his current involvement with the American Liver Foundation marathon team provides him with a great experience to work with people of varying skill levels to achieve a common goal—completing a marathon. I have no doubts that [he] will excel as a teammate to his peers at Kellogg and in his extracurricular activities.

3. Leadership Skills. From his current position of developing strategic recommendations for his clients to authoring numerous MBA case studies to organizing alumni events and mentoring a 12-year-old boy, [Student 1] has demonstrated a wide array of existing and potential leadership skills. As Kellogg prides itself on developing the next generation of business leaders, it is essential that its students have the demonstrated experience and potential to succeed as leaders—Brian has both. At [Undergrad University] he captained the lacrosse team, coordinated the student-run recycling program, and directed a volunteer program for "at-risk" teenagers. He did this all while consistently improving his GPA. In his professional career, [Student 1]'s leadership ability has allowed him to be promoted quickly and to be recruited into new and challenging opportunities at [Company 2]. His ability to balance the hectic life of a consultant with significant community involvement indicates [he] can manage the time balance required of leaders. [Student 1] also recognizes that he has more to learn to be a successful leader and looks to his Kellogg experience to help him develop those skills.

4. Community commitment. As evidenced by his significant commitment to the Big Brothers organization, the American Liver Foundation and his alumni association, [Student 1] is clearly focused on community service. For this, [he] will be an invaluable asset to the Kellogg community. He will be a supportive classmate encouraging his peers to be socially active. He will be an enthusiastic volunteer on campus and in Evanston, and will be an exceptional ambassador for Kellogg. After graduation, I expect he will actively support the development of Kellogg much like he is doing with his alumni work for [Undergrad University].

5. Clear career focus. [Applicant 1] provides a complete package of education and work experience that demonstrates a clear focus on his future career as a media corporate strategist and recognizes how Kellogg will help him achieve that goal. He has demonstrated how each step along his life's journey connects to the next and how he wants to grow. He has continually enhanced his management skills and knows that now is the right time to get his MBA to round out his business knowledge and enhance his leadership capabilities. He has a great understanding of why Kellogg is the perfect fit for him and how it will contribute to his success as a leader at an integrated media firm. [Student 1] has clearly done the exhaustive research needed to find a school that is the best fit for him. It is evident that Kellogg is that school for Brian and that [Student 1] will contribute positively to the Kellogg community.

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