Вебинар QS MBA Admission

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15 июня, 13.00. Бесплатная регистрация.

Наши спикеры:

Inga Korchagina Business Trainer-Expert in Luxury Goods at CBSD Thunderbird Russia, IE Business School International MBA Alumna

Konstantin Tryapitsyn VP, Business Development, MBA Strategy and Finance, The University of Chicago - Booth School of Business, Alumnus

Maria Pafioli Founder of CVexperts - Resume Writing & Career Consulting Services. MSc International Business Administration & Modern Languages, Copenhagen Business School Alumna

Yiorgos Nikoletakis Business Development Manager at 100mentors - Co-founder, OSU MBA and Columbia U SIPA and Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, London Business School Incubator, Alumnus